The Good Bugs are Out

May was pretty busy from a social standpoint but slow from a nature photography standpoint.  Part of the problem is that there weren’t many butterflies.  May is always slow for butterflies–you would think it wouldn’t be, because the weather is usually warm.  But May is between the population peaks for most local butterflies.

June is better–between yesterday and today I have seen five new for the year species.


This is the first silver-spotted skipper I have seen this year.


I saw Peck’s skipper for the first time yesterday, and I have seen several already today.

But it is not just butterflies.  Dragonflies, damselflies, tiger beetles, and lots of new wasps and bees can be seen.


This is a female common whitetail dragonfly.

The camera has been busy today.

About the roused bear

Nature photographer from central Iowa.
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